Well, I said I would update more often.. turns outs that's harder than it sounds. Since Tripp has been home I get an hour or two of "adult" time and its seems like the blog falls to the bottom of the totem pole.. I'm sorry for that! Tonight you're getting an update because I'm up way past my bedtime due to watching a stupid scary movie with the hubby right before bed. So now its me, the laptop and the Cosby's hanging out until I finally feel peaceful enough to attempt to go to sleep. Hopefully with NO nightmares! Enough about me, I know you're here for Tripp :o)
Our amazing little guy is 13 months old now! He's 16lbs 7oz, 28in long, and his big ole noggin is 18in round. Its hard to believe that a whole year has gone by. Some days I don't feel like I have a one year old and I think part of that is because he hasn't been home for an entire year yet. While I'm thankful his time home is now longer than his time in the NICU, I think once the year anniversary of his coming home floats around on October 15th, that it will finally sink in that we're parents to a toddler. Even though he technically isn't toddling yet, he's rolling everywhere! So for now you could say we're parents to a roller. :o) Which is pretty entertaining to watch. He'll roll to whatever it is he wants.. if he rolls into a wall, couch or chair, he'll use is feet to push and pivot himself so that he can roll the other direction. He can also sit up by himself now as long as you sit him up. We're hoping he'll be able to figure out how to get there by himself soon and then maybe start crawling. I kinda have sneaky suspicion that he might just go straight to walking. But we'll see, I know he'll do it when he's ready! Other big news is he had his lip surgery on April 11th and got his mic-key g-tube out on June 9th!! The lip surgery went well, but it was hard to see him afterwards in so much pain and confusion. Poor guy just couldn't understand why it hurt so bad to drink from his bottle when the night before everything was just fine. Luckily, on the 2nd day we figured out a pain med combo that worked and he started drinking again and within a few days his pain was pretty minimal. But his frustration was not. He had to wear arm braces for the first 2 weeks to keep his hands away from his mouth. We thought this might break his thumbsucking habit but a few days later he remembered why his thumb was his BFF! Have I mentioned how smart our little guy is?! He figured out on the third day how to get these pesky are braces off. He became a real Houdini. After much fighting and stressing all 3 of us out, the braces said bye-bye a couple of days before the 2 week mark. The g-tube removal was a piece of cake! All they had to do was deflate the balloon which held it in and pull it out. Easy peasy! It's still healing but if it doesn't completely close soon on its own, they may have to put a couple of stitches in to help it out. We've been hearing a lot of "da da dad dad da da" lately and the occasional "mmmm ma ma momma". He seems to like to sing the da's more than the ma's. He saves the ma's for special occasions like when he's peeved because his bottle or breakfast isn't ready yet.. then I get a perfectly clear "MOMMA". His little personality has stayed the same since he learned to show it! And food better be ready when he's used to getting it at feeding times! Thats pretty much all of our progresses going on right now.. we're so proud of him and how he continues to learn and grow! Its so exciting to see him doing all of these things! I can't wait to take him to the NICU reunion in August and see all of the nurses and doctors! :o)
10mths old - Photo by Joshua Johnson |
Before |
After |
Tripp's Birthday Cake made by Momma :) |
1st time swimming! He wasn't too sure about it at first.. |
..but then he decided he liked it :) |
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